Please read this update fully and carefully so you know what will be happening at Dowanvale Free Church over the coming weeks
1. Gatherings – Sundays & Mid-week Groups
In line with current government guidelines and guidance from The Free Church of Scotland Board of Trustees we will be stopping all in-person church gatherings with immediate effect and until further notice.
This is not an easy decision but limiting gatherings has been shown to limit the spread of the virus, and being deeply concerned for the wellbeing of all society we feel this is the next necessary step.
Although our church will not be gathering in person we will be gathering virtually via live stream. We will be live streaming service on Sunday at the usual times of 11am & 6pm for you to watch from the safety of home. Tune in to dowanvale.org/live-stream Please feel free to share this with anyone else.
2. Pastoral Care
Pastoral visits will be suspended unless wholly necessary. We do have a group of willing volunteers who are ready to assist anyone in need at this time to get shopping, pick up prescriptions or even to just chat on the phone. This is a time of real uncertainty for people and a time of increased stress and worry and we want to be there to offer support.
If you are in need of anything practical or spiritual phone the church office on 0141 357 3236 or email downavale@gmail.com
Please keep in touch with each other. More than ever we need to look out for one another and even a simple phone call or a message could brighten someone’s day.
Rev. Donnie G Macdonald – the Moderator of the Free Church – has published a pastoral letter for your encouragement in these strange and uncertain days. It is well worth a read: Click here to read Rev. Donnie G Macdonald – Pastoral Letter
3. Keep in touch
Stay in contact and interact with our social media/website/youtube as we will post further updates as time goes on.
YouTube: Dowanvale Free Church on YouTube.com
Facebook: facebook.com/dowanvalefreechurch/
Instagram: instagram.com/dowanvale
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7)