
'Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you'
Jeremiah 29:19


Evening Prayer Meeting 

We believe and act in the knowledge that God hears and answers our prayers and we seek to bring everything we do at Dowanvale before the Lord in prayer.  Every week we have arranged prayer meetings but also wholeheartedly encourage informal gatherings and private prayer in homes and friendship groups. 

We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in our church building in the small hall.  The meetings may vary in style week to week but always include prayer, singing, and a time of Bible teaching. Sometimes there may be opportunity for discussion or maybe a guest speaker sharing a bit about mission work the Lord is doing through His people. 



Home Groups

On the last Wednesday of the month (except during the summer) we gather for prayer in smaller groups in homes across the city. This enables more focalised prayer, support and Bible study. We have groups that meet in North Glasgow, South Glasgow, Partick, West Glasgow and at the Church building on 35 Dowanhill Street.

Check our latest news section of the website for the latest information or email


“To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything.”

– Tim Keller