Women's Ministry
Our Church is made up of men and women from every walk of life. However, while it is great to fellowship all together, we realise that having some women-only meetings and activities can be a real blessing.
Because of this, in the past Dowanvale has employed a Women and Families’ Worker, and while we do not currently have someone employed in this role, we are still committed to helping women thrive and prosper within the Church family.
Dowanvale Ladies' Lunches
How often? Every 4-6 weeks on a Saturday (dates as announced)
Where? Church Hall
What? A chance to fellowship with other women, enjoy a meal and spend time in prayer, worship and Bible study
Who? You! And anyone you want to invite to join you!
For more information, speak to Jacqueline (Jax) Topple, or email treasurer@dowavnale.org

It is important that...
… women are fed spiritually so we welcome all women of any age to come along and join us for our Ladies Lunches. Don’t worry if you can come one time but not the next, they are designed in such a way that you can dip in and out, if need be… fellowship is important to us!
… women have an opportunity to communicate and build relationships with one another. Whilst we no longer have our paid Womens’ Worker, God willing we will have the opportunity in coming months to hold more in person events, providing opportunities to deepen relationships. Currently we have a ladies WhatsApp Group so that we can stay in contact with one another. If you would like to be part of this group please let us know, or scan the QR code on the back of the pew sheet. Nothing beats a good old cup of tea and a face to face conversation!
…women have an opportunity to pray together. If you are interested in being part of a Prayer Triplet, where 3 females within the church are grouped together to pray with each other, please get in touch. Prayer requests shared within the triplet, stay within the triplet, so no need to worry about confidentiality. It is entirely up to the triplet how they go about things…prayer requests can be shared via WhatsApp, prayer triplets can meet together on Zoom to pray, or can catch up in person for a time of prayer and fellowship. It is such an encouragement and a privilege to be able to share with sisters in Christ, in prayer.
…women who work or have family commitments are included and feel part of things. Often those who work long hours or have young children are unable to join some of our activities. We totally understand that, and try our best to vary the times to involve as many people as possible. If you can’t make one of our Fellowship events, why not put a message in the WhatsApp group and see if anyone is free to meet up, chat and pray with you?
…women have an opportunity to serve. We all have different skills, talents and interests. It is important that all women have the opportunity to serve and get involved in the life of the church. Nobody should feel under any pressure, but everyone should know that there is part for them to play in building up God’s Kingdom. There are many ways to serve. If you want to get involved but are unsure how to, please speak to us
If you have any questions regarding Women’s Ministry please contact Jacqueline (Jax) Topple, our Church Treasurer, who can point you in the right direction….
Email – treasurer@dowanvale.org
Phone – 0141 357 3236

We are aware that churches can be confusing and sometimes it can be difficult to know where you fit in or how to get involved. We would love to help. The Christian journey is not to be walked alone and at Dowanvale we love to share our lives together. There is plenty of opportunity for spiritual growth through Sunday teaching, the midweek meeting, home groups, discipleship pairings and serving the Lord in an outreach ministry. To find out more about what to expect when you visit Dowanvale if you’ve not been before then visit the Frequently Asked Questions section on About Us page of our website