
Give Regularly

We would love you to donate to the work of the church and the wider kingdom.

We encourage everyone to give to the church via standing order. If you normally give to the church via envelope or in the plate, we would ask that you consider setting up a standing order.

Either fill in the below form and send to our treasurer at or set up your own standing order using the bank details on the form. 

Please get in touch with the treasurer to let them know you have set one up, you can state which fund you wish to donate to and can also send gift aid forms which can be found below. 

One Off Donation

Thank you for considering giving to Christ’s work and the work of our church. If you would like to donate as a one off there are a few options available to you:

  • Send a cheque to our Treasurer, posting it to
    Dowanvale Free Church of Scotland – Treasurer,
    35 Dowanhill Street, Glasgow, G11 5QR
  • Give directly to the church account. You can find the bank details of the church on the form below

Please get in touch with our treasurer at to let  him know if you have made a donation and if you are eligible for gift aid, you can also send your gift aid form.

Gift Aid

Gift aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 20% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.

If you are a taxpayer we would be very grateful if you would consider sending the below form to

A significant proportion of our income is through this tax relief we can claim. Thank you.