Hello Sunday Club! I miss you all very much. I hope you are taking care of your mums and dads, and brothers and sisters if you have them. Exciting that we can now see a few more friends too.
This week’s worksheet is ready for you download, print and complete. Feel free to share with others, friends and family. And of course as always we would be delighted to see any of your work!
Remember to have a listen to this song – ‘Jesus, Strong and Kind’ by CityAlight. When we do eventually get back to meeting together in church, maybe we will know it well enough to sing together.
For Further activities to do at home to keep you entertained get your grown up to check out our google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l6JVt2EIgUzEff40ATyzKr5QTcdHuYDb?usp=sharing