Hello Sunday Club! You might have missed this news because this year hasn’t been like any other year you’ve ever experienced but did you know….. it’s the school holidays?!
Normally Sunday Club, if we were meeting in the church would take a break from the usual routine to we can all rest and go on our summer holidays. We will have a few more weeks of Sunday Club Online Worksheets before doing the same. Rest is an important part of how God made us so it is essential that we use this blessing.
But for this week we have our worksheet to discover that God is…. PEACE!
For Further activities to do at home to keep you entertained get your grown up to check out our google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l6JVt2EIgUzEff40ATyzKr5QTcdHuYDb?usp=sharing
Here is another song for you and your family to enjoy. Some of you will know it well and for others it will be new