Hello Sunday Club! We have been getting to know lots of different things about our wonderful God over the past few weeks. We have a 2 more worksheets before a holiday break.
This week we will discover more about how God is our righteousness.
There are 2 sheets for you to print and download (sorry mum/dad!). The usual worksheet and one of the activities to make a (paper) breastplate of righteousness. If you fancy making it wearable then:
- Cut out a breastplate shape. (Make an inward curve at the neck, the armpits, and the stomach.)
- Punch a hole in each shoulder.
- Decorate with colours and circle the righteous acts on the back and cross out the less righteous ones!
- Measure a piece of ribbon/string to put through the holes in the shoulder to make an apron-like breastplate.
For Further activities to do at home to keep you entertained get your grown up to check out our google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l6JVt2EIgUzEff40ATyzKr5QTcdHuYDb?usp=sharing
Here is another song for you and your family to enjoy. Some of you will know it well and for others it will be new
👏 Well done Euan Macrae on this amazing work on last week’s worksheet – God is Peace! 👏