We hope to donate a number of Christmas Hampers to Hyndland Primary School and to folks living within our Partick community whom we have links and connections with. This is a practical expression of love at Christmas time and is a great opportunity to bless the local area. We would love for our church family to get involved with this mission by making up and donating a hamper or two.
If you don’t have a wicker basket for your hamper don’t worry, you could wrap a cardboard box with some festive paper or use another container of your choice! We hope that these hampers will be a special treat, filled with some festive goodies. This list is not exhaustive, but here are some suggestions:
- Biscuits, Shortbread
- Christmas Cake
- Chocolate, Sweets
- Mince Pies
- Jam, Marmalade, Chutney
- Hot chocolate, Tea, Coffee
- Crisps, Savoury Snacks, Dips
- Crackers, Oat cakes
- Soft drinks
- Anything that is non perishable and tasty!
Please arrange to drop off your hamper at the church by Friday 11th November or contact us if you would like us to collect your hamper. Many thanks and every blessing!