Happy New Year to you all 🥳 At the start of a new year some people say ‘New Year, New Me’ but for us this year so far it has been a case of ‘New Year, New Lockdown’. This feels like a set back and I am sure many of you are disappointed not to get back to seeing your friends at school and spending time with your wider family. We had even hoped to increase the amount of Sunday Club we could provide but the Lord has planned otherwise for the time being and we trust Him and his ways. Time and time again the Lord has shown He is someone we can and should trust with our whole hearts.
For our worksheets over the next few weeks we will be learning about a man called Daniel – although really the story about Daniel and his friends life shows us who God is and how amazing He is. But Daniel was a man who recognised that God is someone worth trusting and he put his life in the safety of God’s hands. Have fun with the worksheets!
Also this term, Ruth will be doing a Bible memory verse challenge. Look out for her videos here on the website latest news articles titled ‘Sunday Club at Home’ / or in the Sunday Club at Home Google Drive (link: click here) and the verses will also appear on the worksheets. Send us a video of you remembering the verse and once you have done 10 there may be something exciting finding its way to you!