The Mission board of the Free Church – – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and thanksgivings. We will try and keep you updated on our website of the congregations to be praying for each week. For week beginning 6th June your congregations to remember before the Lord are:
South Uist & Benbecula (Minister: Thomas Penman)
South Uist and Benbecula Free Church was planted twenty years ago and we are still the only gospel church in South Uist. The church is small and is being generously supported in revitalisation work by the Western Isles Presbytery and the Mission Board. We have an excellent relationship with the North Uist Free Church. South Uist and Benbecula is beautiful but the population is spread out over a large geographical area. There are strong family ties in the local community but there are also problems of alcoholism, substance abuse and poverty. We long to reach SU&B with the good news of Jesus Christ and see God’s name glorified here.
Prayer Points:
- Please pray for the strengthening of our church community and an increased zeal for the work of God. We pray against the passivity which lockdown can produce and hope that hospitality and discipleship will increasingly be done in person and that all will feel able to gather on a Sunday.
- Pray for our outreach in South Uist and Benbecula. We pray that God will go ahead of us to prepare the hearts of those within our area, and that we may recognise and make use of the opportunities for evangelism that He provides.
Ourselves here at Dowanvale (Minister: Kenny Macleod)
Dowanvale is based in the Partick area of Glasgow. Set in close proximity to the University of Glasgow and surrounded by tenement flats, the congregation serves a hugely diverse community. The area is home to students of all nationalities, young professionals, manual workers, families, single parents and retired people. With this diversity comes a range of social issues including unemployment, substance abuse, family breakdown and poverty. We have around 120 communicant members and a further significant group of regular attendees.
Prayer Points:
- Since returning to in-person services, we have welcomed a number of new people to our congregation from different backgrounds and cultures. Please pray that they would feel welcome and that they would receive the gospel message with gladness.
- In partnership with Friends International we welcome international students to our city through an International Café. This has been maintained online during lockdown and we are now training volunteers in preparation for a return to physical meetings. Please pray that we would identify people with a passion for this outreach work and that we would be equipped to show hospitality and the love of Christ to all in our actions and conversations.
Rogart (Minister: Vacant Interim Moderator: Duncan Macleod)
The congregation is small and has been vacant for a long time but there has always been a good sense of fellowship among them and they regularly hold outreach services in the community usually in conjunction with the Faith Mission.
Prayer Points:
- Pray for Sandy the only locally based elder who is currently experiencing some serious health problems and who has been so faithful over many years in seeking to look after the congregation in seeking to share the gospel with young and old alike.
- Pray for the Presbytery and the congregation to make wise decisions regarding the way forward as a new Interim moderator and assessor elders are expected to be appointed very soon
Here are all the congregations we will be focussing in on for prayer across the month of June