The Mission board of the Free Church – – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and thanksgivings. We will try and keep you updated on our website of the congregations to be praying for each week. For week beginning 25th July your congregations to remember before the Lord are:
Dumbarton Minister: Vacant Interim Moderator: Andy Longwe
We are a small congregation of around 30, normally meeting in our own church building near the centre of Dumbarton. We serve a wide catchment area for several miles all around us. We have taken many steps recently to advance our work, and Rev Colin Buchanan, who has ministered to us faithfully for years now, is part of the Revitalisation Track.
Prayer Points:
- Pray for unity as the congregation returns to meet in person, and for leaders in the church as they organise this.
- Pray for those who responded to online services during lockdown, that they would continue to engage with the church.
Prince Edward Island (Central Charge) Minister: Peter Aiken
The congregation joined the Free Our congregation is a revitalization work in the city of Charlottetown.
Prayer Points:
- Please pray for the church as we seek to find godly men to serve as elders.
- Please pray for the summer youth camp that will be taking place in August that young people would hear the gospel and be discipled in the Word of God.
Barvas Minister: Murdo Campbell
Barvas Free Church is located on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis, just over 10 miles from Stornoway. The parish covers a number of rural villages along the west side of the island. Barvas is often remembered for the revivals which took place during the late 1930’s and 40’s. However, like every village, town and city in our nation today, we need the Spirit of the Lord to revive us again!
Prayer Points:
- Along with all our congregations, pray that as we continue living and looking beyond lockdown, we will be encouraged and enthusiastic about reaching out into our community with the gospel and invite people to come to church.
- Pray for our friend and brother, Rev. Dougie Wolf, ministering next door to us in the Church of Scotland. Dougie had been off work since the beginning of the year, but he is thankfully now on a phased return. Pray that the Lord will restore Dougie to health and strength again, that he may resume his pastoral duties in his congregation and the community.
Here are all the congregations we will be focusing on for prayer across the month of June