The Mission board of the Free Church – – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and thanksgivings. We will try and keep you updated on our website of the congregations to be praying for each week. For week beginning 29th Aug your congregations to remember before the Lord are:
Kiltarlity, Beauly & Kirkhill Minister: Stephen Allison
Kiltarlity Free Church is rural congregation 20 minutes outside of Inverness. Kiltarlity, Kirkhill and Beauly are growing as commuter villages for Inverness with a lot of young families moving into the area. The congregation has a mixture of ages reflecting the wider area.
Prayer Points:
Prayer Points:
- Pray that as a congregation we would be committed to prayer. Pray for the church to maintain new connections made over lockdown and pray for the church leaders.
- Give thanks for the Holiday Club which was run in the church earlier in the month and for the connections which were made with the community through this event. Pray that the children who attended the club, and their families, would continue to be impacted by the gospel which they heard throughout that week.
Haddington – Minister: Ali Sewell
Haddington Community Church was planted from St Columba’s Free Church in 2018. Haddington is a rapidly growing town in the centre of East Lothian of 10,000+ people, with a large number of new houses being built, . With a foundation of the centrality of the bible and a dependence upon prayer, we’re seeking to build a welcoming, growing, serving, and joyful community overflowing from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prayer Points:
- Please pray that Go
- Please pray for a venue. As a new congregation we don’t have our own building, and this has been especially challenging over lockdown and as things restrictions ease but many buildings (esp. those owned by the council which we were using) remain closed. Please pray that a larger venue would open so we can move from 2 smaller services to all worshipping together and being able to run creche and Kids’ Church classes as well. Please also pray that when the time is right God would provide us with a longer term home which we could use for ministry throughout the week as well as on Sundays.
- Please pray that as a church and as individuals we would make good connections with the local community and have opportunities to share the gospel with them. As restrictions do ease please pray for wisdom to know where to direct energy and resources to serve our community and communicate the good news of Jesus with them. And that in all this God would through his Spirit open the eyes of many to see their need of Jesus as their saviour.
Here are all the congregations we will be focusing on for prayer across the month of August