This year’s Big Free Rally will be taking place in the early evening of Saturday 25thSeptember. Our theme is running with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews ch12 v1) .
Sadly this year there will be no gathering together as usual in Inverness for a big party but instead there will be two magnificent video releases for different age groups on Saturday 25th as follows:
- A video for young people in P5-P7 at 6pm
- A video for young people in S1-S6 at 7pm
Each video will last for around an hour and will contain a mixture of talks, activities, and fun, as well as a wee preview of next year’s camps. We’d like to encourage young people to meet up if they can to spend time together and to watch the video!
Could you arrange something with others in our church? We’re so disappointed not to be able to have our usual large BFR gathering at Smithton, but we know how important it is for our young people to meet up with others, so we really hope you’ll be able to take advantage of this opportunity and arrange for some kind of get-together. It doesn’t have to be fancy – we know they’ll just appreciate the opportunity to get together, and we hope that by providing a video it’ll give a focus for the get-together and that they’ll enjoy it even more watching it together.
The videos will be available on the Free Church Youth Camps YouTube channel (youtube.com/freechurchyouthcamps), and there’s more information on their website (freechurchyouthcamps.org/big-free-rally/).