As was practice last year – instead of gathering for an evening in the church of wrapping and packing shoeboxes that will be distributed to poverty hit communities throughout Eastern Europe by Blythswood Care we are asking for you to take part by wrapping & packing boxes at home.
Download the box checklist to make sure you have included the required items and to give you suggestions of other good items to include in the packages – or pick up a print out of the checklist from the church front door.
If you are able to drop off completed boxes to the church building by WEDNESDAY 10th NOVEMBER we will take them all to the Hillington drop off depot the next day. Or if you aren’t able to drop them off at the church by then, get in touch with Carina and she will arrange getting it picked up from you!
Email: carina@dowanvale.org or phone 0141 357 3236. If you need empty shoeboxes for filling we have quite a few at the church which can be picked up or delivered to you. Many thanks for your continued support of the Shoe Box Appeal