The Week Ahead Activities…


  • Morning Worship Service at 11am – Our minister Kenny will lead the service. Sunday Club for P1-7 and Creche will be running as usual.
  • Praise Group meets at 4.30pm in the church hall
  • Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Kenny will be preaching and after the evening service we have Teen Time group for High School students
  • Home Group attenders…. pick up your study guides or email to arrange a drop off!


  • Monday Club for 8-16 year olds meets in the church hall from 7-8.30pm. With games, activities, crafts and a time to study the Bible together.


  • Top Tots – Baby & Toddler Group meets in the church hall from 10-11.30am


  • National Day of Prayer is today. Prayer points available here. The church hall will be open from 9am to 5pm for people from all denominations to drop in to pray.
  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
  • Home Groups meets on Zoom ID: 707 129 3433 at 7.30pm and then split into regional groups. We look forward to starting Tim Keller’s Romans 8-16 study book


  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
  • Glasgow International Conversations (GIC) meets in the church hall at 7.30pm for a St Andrew’s Day extravaganza!


  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 11am – 1pm

Sunday 28th November

  • Morning Worship at 11am (with Sunday Club and Creche): Rev. Kenny Macleod
  • Praise Group meets at 4.30pm
  • Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod

News and Notices

  • Retiring collection for the Free Church Disaster Fund. Please place donation in an envelope marked for ‘Disaster Fund’ or bank transfer with this reference. Email for more info
  • Praise Group: For anyone who would like to practice and learn some psalms and hymns please do join us at 4.30pm in the church hall. For more info see Lisa Macrae or Carina –
  • If you would like to receive the Free Church’s Global Mission monthly Prayer Notes or subscribe to The Record magazine (£22 per year) let Carina know. Email:
  • Ladies Pamper Evening – Tuesday 30th November 7-9pm: Nail painting, hand/foot/head/neck/shoulder massage and foot washing all available as will as refreshments and an opportunity to chat together. All ladies are most welcome so invite your friends!

Foodbank Shopping List for this Week

  • Long Life Milk
  • Meals in a Tin
  • Toilet Rolls
  • Instant Noodles
  • Crisps
  • Tinned Vegetables
  • Teabags
  • Sugar

If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update please email it to