The Mission board of the Free Church – – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and thanksgivings. We will try and keep you updated on our website of the congregations to be praying for each week. For week beginning 28th November your congregations to remember before the Lord are:
London City Presbyterian Church – Minister: Harrison Perkins (Associate Pastor) Interim Moderator: Bob Akroyd
London City worships in the heart of London, gathering people from all backgrounds and nationalities to praise the risen Christ.
Prayer Points:
- We are presently in the process of calling another minister.
- We are presently working to purchase a new manse.
Badenoch – Minister: Rev Dr Alistair Wilson (Caretaker) Interim Moderator: Rev. John de la Haye
Badenoch is a small but keen rural congregation serving the area of Kingussie and Newtonmore. It has a good building with parking located near the railway station. Alistair and Jenny Wilson live in the manse and provide much-valued help with the worship and the life of the church. Several folk have missionary connections and a keen interest in Gospel work worldwide. The pandemic has restricted activities, but these are gradually resuming now.
Prayer Points:
- Give thanks for renewed enthusiasm to gather in person on Sunday mornings, and for opportunities to meet with tourists and other visitors who are returning to the area. We are encouraged by their visits and we hope we can serve them well.
- Pray for the elderly, and for several people in the congregation who are dealing with health issues.
Prayer Points:
Here are all the congregations we will be focusing on for prayer across the month of November