The Mission board of the Free Church – – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and thanksgivings. We will try and keep you updated on our website of the congregations to be praying for each week. For week beginning 12th December your congregations to remember before the Lord are:
Desable (PEI Western Charge) – Minister: Kent Compton
Western Charge is one of the Free Church congregations on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Prayer Points:
- Please give thanks for the ongoing ministry and witness of the congregation to the surrounding community. Pray that God would draw more people to hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus.
- Pray for Kent and his wife Ishbel as they continue to serve in Prince Edward Island. Pray for Kent as he continues to preach, pastor and lead the congregation.
Callanish – Minister: Malcolm Macdonald
Callanish is a small rural congregation in the Isle of Lewis. The name Callanish is associated with clusters of Standing Stones which attract countless visitors annually.
Prayer Points:
- As Covid is more prevalent within the Islands, pray that families would be kept safe and that those who are apprehensive about coming to church would have their minds put at ease.
- Pray that Christ would possess the place of central import in our life particularly as we as a society struggle to accommodate counter claims of varying degrees of import.
Prayer Points:
Here are all the congregations we will be focusing on for prayer across the month of December