The Week Ahead Activities…

Sunday 16th Jan

  • Morning Worship Service at 11am – Rev. Kenny Macleod. Sunday Club for pre-school to P7
  • Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Rev. Kenny Macleod

Monday 17th

  • Monday Club for 8-16 year olds meets in the church hall from 7-8.30pm. With games, activities, crafts and a time to study the Bible together.

Tuesday 18th

  • Top Tots – Baby & Toddler Group meets in the church hall from 10-11.30am

Wednesday 19th

  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
  • Midweek Prayer Meeting: Meets on Zoom ID: 707 129 3433 at 7.30pm

Thursday 20th

  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm

Friday 21st

  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 11am – 1pm

Sunday 23rd

  • Morning Worship at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
  • Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod

News and Notices

  • Praise Group: For anyone who would like to practice and learn some psalms and hymns please do join us at 4.30pm in the church hall. For more info see Lisa Macrae or Carina –
  • Free Church Youth Camps are back and better than ever! Register your place now at – booking closes Monday 31st January 2022
  • If you would like to subscribe to The Record magazine (£22 per year) sign up on the sheet at the front door or let Carina know email:
  • Glasgow International Conversations for international students starts back again on Thursday 27th January. Programme coming soon!

Foodbank could do with…

  • Rice
  • Pasta Sauce / Curry sauce in jars
  • Tinned Vegetables
  • Tinned Soup
  • UHT Milk
  • Chocolate Spread
  • Peanut Butter
  • Toilet Roll – *priority*
  • Shower Gel and Shampoo
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Sugar

If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update please email it to