On Wednesday 26th January at our midweek church meeting we will be continuing with our Bible study book – Romans 8-16: In View of God’s Mercy. Simply log on to our usual Zoom ID at 7.30pm and you will be put into a regional city group breakout room based on where you live in Glasgow – or if you are a visitor from further afield you can join us in the main session.
We will be looking at – Study 2: Glorious Adoption (Romans 8:14-39)
If you need a copy of the study book please contact Carina in the church office to arrange a delivery of one. Email carina@dowanvale.org or phone 0141 357 3236.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.”
Paul (Romans 12:1)

How does faith in the gospel of Christ actually lead to change in real life?
In view of God’s mercy, how will we think, speak and act?
Those are the questions Paul addresses in the second half of the book of Romans. At the heart of chapters 8 to 16 lies a key verse:
“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.” (Romans 12:1)
The Christian life is lived with our gaze on God’s mercy to us. Our eyes are fixed on the cross, where Christ died so that we need never fear condemnation by or separation from God.
And this, Paul says as he writes to the church in Rome in the middle of the first century, is to shape everything we are and do. The Christian life is a life of gratitude to our merciful Father. We live to please him by obeying him, even at cost or inconvenience.
How can we do this? In chapter 8, Paul will show us that it is by setting our mind on what the Spirit desires, as children of the Father.
How do we do this? In chapters 12-16, Paul will take us on a tour of our lives, showing how we live as grateful sacrifices in every facet of life.
The gospel makes a difference, not only to our eternal future but to our present perspectives and priorities, attitudes and actions. These seven studies in the second half of this wonderful letter will show you why to, and how to, live in view of God’s mercy.
We will be using this book by Tim Keller produced by The Good Book Company. If you need to get a copy of the book get in touch with the church office (carina@dowanvale.org).