Dowanvale Free Church, Partick

The Week Ahead Activities…

Sunday 10th April

  • Morning Worship Service at 11am – Prof. Noel Peacock (Creche for baby/toddlers – No Sunday Club due to holiday)
  • Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Rev. John Fairful

Tuesday 12th April

  • Top Tots – Baby & Toddler Group meets in the church hall from 10-11.30am
  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
  • Ladies Bible Study – Easter Zoom Outreach event at 7.30pm

Wednesday 13th April

  • Foodbank open in the church hall from 10.30am-12.30pm
  • Midweek Prayer Meeting: Meets on Zoom ID: 707 129 3433 at 7.30pm will be lead by Colin Macdonald

Sunday 17th April

  • Morning Worship at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
  • Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod

News and Notices

  • Praise Group: no praise group this afternoon
  • Free Church Youth Camps still have some places available at some camps. Register your place now at Several camps are also looking for leaders this summer – can you help out?
  • Glasgow International Conversations – our International Students group is on an Easter break! We will be back on Thursday 21st April. More information nearer the time.

Some events for the Ladies coming up in the church…

Ladies Pamper Evening – Tuesday 26th April

This week the foodbank could do with…

  • Dried Rice
  • Crisps
  • Biscuits
  • Custard
  • Rice Pudding
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Razors

If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to