The Week Ahead Activities…
Sunday 15th May
- Morning Worship Service at 11am – Rev. Kenny Macleod
- Sunday Club available – Classes for pre-school up to S3
- Creche available
- Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Rev. Kenny Macleod
Monday 16th May
- Monday Youth Club back on tonight for 8-16 year olds from 7-8.30pm. Would love to see you all there!
Tuesday 17th May
- Top Tots group meets 10-11.30am in the church hall
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
- Ladies Bible Study Meeting on Zoom at 7.30pm
Wednesday 18th May
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 10.30am-12.30pm
- Midweek Prayer Meeting in the church hall 7.30pm (option to tune in via Zoom also available)
Thursday 19th May
- Glasgow International Conversations our group for international students is on tonight from 7.30-8.30pm
Sunday 22nd May
- Morning Worship at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
- Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Boyd
News and Notices
- Praise Group: Join us to sing psalms and hymns at 5pm in the hall downstairs before the evening service. Get in touch to be added to the whatsapp group!
- Sign up for Praying for One Another prayer points here: https://freechurch.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=bfe4fb815ef2db28dab25b8e1&id=c962f325af this is a weekly email with prayer points for Free Church congregations and also the Free Church mission partners across the globe.
- Women for Mission Annual Meeting is on Saturday 21st May 2022 in Perth Free Church at 2pm (or you can watch via livestream). Our own Abby Morrison will be one of the speakers, along with Kathleen MacSween and Maria Cockburn. Sure to be an excellent event. More information available at womenformission.org If you would like to enjoy some fellowship while watching the livestream we will be hosting a cuppa and the livestream at the church on Sat 21st. The church will be open from 1.30pm
- Our friends Adriana and Nelson Swindler are running the Edinburgh Marathon Festival 10k to raise money for International Justice Mission. If you are at all able please support their efforts with a wee contribution on their Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/swindlers

This week the foodbank could do with…
- UHT Milk (*priority)
- Toilet Roll (*priority)
- Shampoo (*priority)
- Bars of Soap (*priority)
- Crisps
- Biscuits
- Shaving Foam
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste/Brushes
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org