From this Sunday we are beginning a segment of Gathering songs at 10.45am for our morning service and 5.45pm for our evening service.

The intention behind this is for us to prepare ourselves better for receiving the Word of God by singing 3 items of praise. So it’s not a singing group or practice or only for those who are ‘singers’ but it is a dedicated time of sung worship for all to sing praise to His holy name.

Simply come along to the church as you normally would and join us for these items of praise from 10.45am / 5.45pm before the formal church service begins. Tomorrow we will be singing:

10.45am Gathering Songs

  • Praise my soul the king of heaven
  • Scottish Psalter 89:1-6 (Dunfermline)
  • As the deer pants for the water

5.45pm Gathering Songs

  • Praise to the Lord the almighty
  • Scottish Psalter 92:1-6 (Howard)
  • Draw me close to the cross

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