The Week Ahead Activities & News
Sunday 2nd October
- Prayer meeting at 10am in the church hall
- Morning Communion Service at 11am – Rev. Calum Macmillan
- Creche & Sunday Club with classes for pre-school up to p4
- Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Rev. Calum Macmillan
Monday 3rd October
- Monday Club is on tonight from 7-8.30pm for 8-16 year olds. We have games, activities, crafts and snacks as well as a Bible story time together. We would love to see you there!
Tuesday 4th October
- Top Tots our babies & toddlers group is on from 10-11.30am. Look forward to seeing you there.
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
Wednesday 5th October
- Home Group Bible studies are meeting this week 7.30pm. There are regional North, South and West Glasgow groups which meet online via Zoom and there is a central group with meets in the church building. Contact the church office if you need to know the Zoom ID to join.
- We have a new study book – Experiencing God which can be picked up from the church or if you need it posted/delivered let Carina know
Thursday 6th October
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30am-4.30pm
- Glasgow International Conversations starts back again tonight at 7.30pm – a meeting place for International Students and locals
Saturday 8th October
- Ladies Fellowship meets in the church hall at 10.30am for a time of fellowship and refreshments
Sunday 9th October
- Morning Worship at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
- Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod
News and Notices
- Communion weekend – we are delighted to welcom Rev. Calum Macmillan from Rosskeen Free Church to lead our worship over our communion weekend. If anyone would like to profess faith for the first time or join the church membership then please speak to Kenny or one of the elders.
- New Students! Welcome to Glasgow and congratulations on getting your place at university. We warmly welcome you to the church and hope that you might find a home here as part of the congregation. You will take a while to get settled in to your new way of life and we would like to be part of that. Message Carina on 07716167388 to be kept in the loop / added to a whatsapp group or visit dowanvale.org/students
- CrossReach are looking for a volunteer to be a listening ear and generally help out in one of their services. Please see this link: Support Volunteer | CrossReach Individuals need to be respectful of our Christian faith and values but as a volunteer you do not have to have a church membership or feel you are a christian in the Free Church sense. The residential Rehab on Westland Drive is also looking for a volunteer gardener if anyone is interested in that also! Email: Catriona.McCabe@crossreach.org.uk
- Sign up for Praying for One Another prayer points here: https://freechurch.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=bfe4fb815ef2db28dab25b8e1&id=c962f325af this is a weekly email with prayer points for Free Church congregations and also the Free Church mission partners across the globe.

This week the foodbank could do with…
- Toilet Roll
- Sugar
- UHT Milk
- Coffee
- Tinned fruit
- Soup
- Instant pasta sachets
- Tinned meat / fish
- Tinned meals
- Crips
- Biscuits
- Plastic Bags!
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org