Sunday 19th February 2023

Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Kenny Macleod
Sunday Club for P1-S3 and a creche available during the service.
Tea & Coffee served afterwards
Evening Service at 6pm – Rev. Kenny Macleod
Monday 20th February
8-16 year olds is back on tonight! Come and join us for fun evening of games, activities and Bible discussion
Tuesday 21st February
Top Tots Baby & Toddler group meets today from 10-11.30am. We’d love to welcome you and your wee one along. No need to book or pay – free of charge!
The Partick Pantry foodbank open today from 2.30-4.30pm
Wednesday 22nd February
Tonight at 7.30pm we have a congregational meeting on in the church hall. Everyone encouraged to join with us. Option to join us via Zoom if unable to attend in person. Contact the church office if you need the Zoom meeting ID.
Thursday 23rd February
Glasgow International Conversations – our meeting place for International Students and locals – is on tonight from 7.30 – 8.30pm
Sunday 26th February
Morning Worship at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod
News and Notices
- Christianity Explored Course is starting on Tuesday 7th of March and runs for 8 weeks as we explore together who Jesus was, why he came to earth and what it means for me. Everyone welcome to join us – Christians and sceptics alike!
- The Record: if you would like to subscribe or re-subscribe to The Record (the monthly magazine from the Free Church of Scotland) for 2023 then let Carina know. See her in person, message or email her on carina@dowanvale.org
- The Online Safeguarding trailing will be on in the church hall on Tuesday 21st February at 7.30pm. Remember this training is a pre-requisite for our volunteers to complete
- March Communion Preachers: We are looking forward to welcoming
- Rev. Alick Stewart (Lennoxtown) – Saturday 4th March
- Rev. Bob Akroyd (ETS) – Sunday 5th March am & pm
- The Partick Pantry: has a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thepartickpantry give us a like!
- If you would like to receive email or paper copy prayer points about the ongoing foodbank ministry please get in touch with Ruth Gilchrist (ruth@dowanvale.org)
- Job opportunity: We are still on the look out for a Youth Worker for the congregation. If this position could be for you please get in touch or share with someone you know who may be suitable. More details can be found here: Vacancy: Youth & Student Worker
- Dunblane Free Church invites everyone to join with them for the following events
- ‘The Word of God Among all Nations’ a talk from The Trinitarian Bible Society on Thursday 16th March 2023 at 7.30pm
- Dunblane Free Church, 1 Beech Road, FK15 0AA
- Healthy Gospel Church Gathering in Hope Church, Blackwood & Kirkmuirhill on Saturday 18th March from 9.30am until 1.30pm. Join together for encouragement and to share in the vision. Book your place at: freechurch.org/healthy-church-gatherings

This week the foodbank could do with…
- Tuna
- Tinned meals / meats
- Cereal
- Sugar
- UHT Milk
- Biscuits
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org