Sunday 20th August 2023

Morning Service at 11am – Mr. Allan Thomson
Creche available during the service. Sunday Club returns after summer break with classes from pre-school age up to S3
Tea and Coffee refreshments served after the service
Evening Service at 6pm – Rev. Kenny Macleod
Tuesday 22nd Aug
Top Top tots is on today for all babies & toddlers and their parents/carers. Join us from 10.00 to 11.30am
The Partick Pantry foodbank open today from 2.30-4.30pm
Wednesday 23rd August
Prayer meeting in the church hall tonight at 7.30pm with visiting speaker Walter Waheed. There will be no option to join with us via zoom available over the summer months.
Thursday 24th August
The Partick Pantry foodbank open today from 2.30-4.30pm
Sunday 20th August
Morning Worship service at 11am: Rev. Kenny Macleod
Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Kenny Macleod
News and Notices
- Top Tots: our babies & toddlers group returns on Tuesday 22nd August from 10-11.30am at our downstairs hall which you can access via chancellor street.
- Ladies Meeting returns on Saturday 9th September in the church hall building 10.30 to 12 noon – all ladies welcome and encouraged to join us
- The Partick Pantry: our foodback is very appreciative of any donations that can be given to top up our supplies. Speak to Ruth Gilchrist for more information ruth@dowanvale.org but a weekly list will be kept here for you to check here

This week the foodbank could do with…
- Tinned fruit
- Chopped tomatoes
- Tinned peas
- Tinned carrots
- Tinned potatoes
- Tinned tuna
- Sanitary pads
- Remember to give our facebook page a like 👍 https://www.facebook.com/thepartickpantry 👍
- And if you would like to receive email or paper copy prayer points about the ongoing foodbank ministry please get in touch with Ruth
- Screen / Technology: we are looking to expand our tech team who do the screen slides & live streaming for Sunday service. Full training and support given! If you’d like to help our get in touch with Carina carina@dowanvale.org 👨💻👩💻
Accommodation wanted:
- Rachel Johnstone will be moving to Glasgow to study at Glasgow University and she’s looking for opportunities to rent a flat with other Christian students. If you know of anything you can get in touch with her dad John via email at johnwjohnstone@yahoo.co.uk
- 2 other christian girls are looking for accomodation in Glasgow – if anything comes up please get in touch with the church
- 2 Christian Chinese students (Fan & Chengcheng) are desparately looking for accomodation to rent in the city centre or west-end. You can email 1270481503@qq.com if you have any information
- Biblical Wisdom for Modern Living at Faith Mission in Edinburgh on Friday 8th and Sat 9th September. Gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish roots and 1st century context of Jesus’ teaching and their relevance to Christian faith today. Conference speakers available from Christchurch, Jerusalem. Full details are available on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/biblical-wisdom-for-modern-living-tickets-560754540927
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org