Sunday Services

Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Iain Morrison
Creche available during the service. Sunday Club meets downstairs after the 2nd singing with classes covering pre-school up to S3 age.
Church lunch after the morning service
Evening Service at 6pm – Rev. John Fairful
We will be taking communion together at the evening service
Notice Sheet for this week available to read and download here:
Additional Notices
Congregational Administrator

We are now seeking to appoint an organised and enthusiastic individual with a passion to assist us in the daily running of the Church and in our growing ministries, including our community outreach programme.
This is a full-time post, with the successful applicant responsible for a range of duties. The successful applicant will be required to undergo PVG Scotland vetting and Free Church of Scotland Safeguarding training.
More details about the job can be found here:
or further details and an application form may be obtained by contacting session- clerk@dowanvale.org
We look forward to hearing from you!
Dowanvale Carol Service
This year our church carol service will be held on Sunday 17th December at our usual sunday evening service time of 6pm.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to gather together to sing Christmas carols, read the bible and hear a Christmas message.
Please invite friends, family, neighbours, colleagues along to join us for the evening.

- The Partick Pantry: our foodback is very appreciative of any donations that can be given to top up our supplies.

This week the foodbank could do with…
- Toilet Rolls
- Soap
- Sugar
- Biscuits
- Crisps
- Remember to give our facebook page a like 👍 https://www.facebook.com/thepartickpantry 👍`
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org by Thursday noon