[English Below]
Fhuair sibh am pòst-d seo air sgath’s gu bheil eaglais no buidheann a th’annanibh a tha an-sàs le creideamh agus/no Gàidhlig. Tha sinn son fios a chuir thugaibh mu na tachartasan a bhios againn air an 28mh am Faoilleach ann an Glaschu, an aon àm a tha Celtic Connections anns a’ bhaile cuideachd. Bidh eadar-theangachadh aig na tachartasan, gus cothrom a thoirt do dhuine sam bidh a bhith an-sàs.
Aig Glòraich, tha sinn a’ chruthachadh goireasan ceòl-adhradh gàidhlig airson an latha-an-diugh. Tha sinn fo bhròn mu bhàs na seirbhisean Gàidhlig a b’ àbhaist a bhith air feadh Alba. Tha sinn ag aithneachadh an cumhachd a th’ aig laoidhean, sailm, is òrain spioradail gus ar cànan – is ar creideamh – a chumail bèo.
Bu mhath leinn cuireadh a thoirt dhuibh dha na tachartasan againn. Tha fios mu na tachartasan an-cois. Ma bhios sibh dèonach fios a sgaoileadh mu ar deidhinn leis na coitheanalan/luchd-leantainn agaibh, bidh sinn fada nur comainn. Gheibhear barrachd fios an-seo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554150987547
Air an 28mh, Bidh seirbhis (saor ‘s an-asgaidh) aig 9.30m, is tachartas adhradh (£10) aig 7.30f. Bidh iad a tachairt aig St George’s Tron. Gheibhear tiocaidean an-seo:https://tinyurl.com/4ycrn3br
Gach beannachd,
Fearghas Rothach (Stìuraiche pròiseact Glòraich)
You’re receiving this email because you are a church or organisation involved in faith and/or Gaelic. We wanted to let you know about the worship events we’ll be running on January 28th in Glasgow, to coincide with the Celtic Connections festival being in town. There will be translation provided to give everyone with the opportunity to take part, regardless of language level.
At Glòraich, we aim to produce contemporary Gaelic worship music resources. We lament the death of Gaelic language worship that used to be commonplace across Scotland. We recognise the power of hymns, psalms and spiritual songs to keep both our language and our faith alive and vibrant.
We would like to invite you to our events. Information about the events is attached. If you would be willing to let your congregations/followers know about us, we would be extremely grateful. You can find out more here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554150987547
On the 28th, there will be a Gaelic Service at 9.30am (Free entry), and a worship event (£10) at 7.30pm. Both events will be at St George’s Tron. Tickets can be purchased here: :https://tinyurl.com/4ycrn3br
Best wishes,
Fergus Munro (Glòraich Project Director)