Squinty Bridge, Glasgow

Sunday Services

Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Kenny Macleod

Creche available during the service. Sunday Club on today with classes for pre-school to S3

Join us for a light lunch after the morning service. Everyone welcome!

Evening Service at 6pm – Rev. Derek Maxwell

Followed by Congregational Fellowship in the church hall downstairs

Notice Sheet for this week available to read and download here:

Additional Notices

  • The Partick Pantry: our foodback is very appreciative of any donations that can be given to top up our supplies.

This week the foodbank could do with…

  • UHT Milk
  • Cereals
  • Beans
  • Sugar

If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update or for the screens in church please email it to carina@dowanvale.org by Thursday noon