Sunday Worship

'Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have the habit of doing. Rather, let us encourage each other' - Hebrews 10. 25

Every Sunday (Lord’s Day) we meet together as a Church to worship God, sing praise to Him, hear the Bible read and be taught from it. 

We are fortunate to have our two ministers, plus occasional visiting preachers, to preach from God’s Word, helping us apply it to our lives.

On a Sunday morning we also run a Sunday School for school age children, and a creche for toddlers. Both of these are run by carefully chosen, safeguarding checked, members of our congregation, and the children enjoy suitably themed activities to help them learn more about the Bible.

Four times a year the Church celebrates communion, where we take bread and wine and remember the Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection, doing what He told us to do in the Bible. The Table we gather around is the Lord’s, and doesn’t belong to us, therefore anyone who is a Christian is welcome to take the bread and wine with us.

Around these times the Kirk Session (Elders) are particularly happy to talk to anyone who may wish to become a member here at Dowanvale.

Our usual pattern is to hold Communion services/seasons four times a year:

First Lord’s Day of March – AM
First Lord’s Day of June – AM
First Lord’s Day of October – AM
Second/Third Lord’s Day of November – PM

During Communion seasons we often have extra services to help us prepare to take communion together.

Keep an eye on the pewsheet for any information as these dates do occasionally change.