Mansfield Park in Autumn, Glasgow Sunday Services Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Iain Morrison Creche available during the service. Sunday Club meets downstairs after the 2nd singing with classes covering pre-school up to S3 age. Tea & Coffee served after...
It’s that time of year again to get wrapping and packing shoeboxes that will be distributed to poverty hit communities throughout Eastern Europe by Blythswood Care so why don’t you consider taking part by wrapping & packing boxes at home. You can...
Mansfield Park in Autumn, Glasgow Sunday Services Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Iain Morrison Creche available during the service. Sunday Club meets downstairs after the 2nd singing with classes covering pre-school up to S3 age. Tea & Coffee served after...
River Clyde, Glasgow Sunday Services Morning Service at 11am – Rev. Iain Morrison Creche available during the service. Holiday Sunday Club meets downstairs after the 2nd singing with classes covering pre-school up to P3 age. Tea & Coffee served after the...
We are delighted to be hosting the Ordination and Induction of Iain Morrison as our assistant minister here in Dowanvale. Its been a privelege already to have Iain and Liana and family within our congregation and we look forward to giving thanks to God and celebrating...