Men’s Breakfast
On the first Saturday of the month we host a Men’s Breakfast (jokingly known as ‘Bibles and Bacon’ – vegetarian options available!) where men of all ages are invited to meet together in the morning to enjoy a time of fellowship over bacon rolls, tea/coffee and spending time together in God’s word.
Don’t worry if you’ve never been before. We would still be delighted to welcome you along to our Church Hall – which is in the basement of our building on 35 Dowanhill Street, Partick. (Access is on Chancellor Street via the red door down the steps.)
When: First Saturday of the Month, 8.30am – 10am
Where: Our Church hall
Who: Yourself – but please feel free to invite friends along!
Investing time in each other is so important as we journey in the Christian life together. Men aren’t always the best at sharing our lives together and this intentional gathering provides the ideal opportunity for guys of all ages and stages to get together and share in the ups and downs of life and to point each other towards Christ. Doesn’t matter if you’re a new Christian or have been walking with the Lord for 80 years+ you are all welcome and needed as part of this group!
Look forward to welcoming you along.

Social Events
If you have an idea for encouraging the Men’s Fellowship don’t hesitate to bring your idea to the Church leadership.
Glasgow Free Churches Football Team
Play in the Evangelical Churches league – Contact Kenny Boyd for more information

“To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything.”