Prayer and Bible Study

'Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you'
Jeremiah 29:19


Midweek Meetings 

We believe and act in the knowledge that God hears and answers our prayers, and we seek to bring everything we do at Dowanvale before the Lord in prayer.  Every week we have arranged prayer meetings but also wholeheartedly encourage informal gatherings and private prayer in homes and among friendship groups. 

Wednesday evenings are our usual midweek meeting ‘slots’. These alternate between a joint Prayer Meeting (held in the Church) and Home Groups (meeting in various locations across the City). Below we will explain the two of these.

Prayer Meeting

Twice a month, we meet in the Church Hall for our Prayer Meeting. At this meeting we listen to the Bible being read, and hear it explained in a slightly shorter sermon than we would have on a Sunday. We sing from the Psalms and pray together. Sometimes these Prayer Meetings take a different form, with a visiting Missionary being invited to tell us about his/her ministry, enabling us to pray for the global Church.

Home Group

Twice a month, we meet in various locations across the City for our Home Groups. Each of our Home Groups is led by one of our office-bearers, and every member and adherent is encouraged to be part of a group, with everyone assigned a particular local group. At the moment these groups are exploring the Old Testament Book of Ruth. If you are interested in joining our Home Groups, please email Rev. Iain Morrison (our Asst. Minister) – for more information.

“To pray is to accept that we are, and always will be, wholly dependent on God for everything.”

– Tim Keller