The Kirk Session met last Thursday evening and has decided to resume services in the church building again. This will now be from Sunday the 20th of September. The services will be in the morning only.
Clearly things will not be returning to normal any time soon as there are Government restrictions in regards to the numbers that can attend. The maximum number is 50 at the moment. All who do attend will need to wear face masks and they will be escorted to seats so as to ensure social distancing.
If you wish to attend the services, we would appreciate if you would contact Kenny, Rod Morrison, Carina Maciver or Ruth Gilchrist as soon as possible so as to give us an idea of numbers. You can contact Carina in the church office via email on the form below or via dowanvale@gmail.com on the phone 0141 357 3236
The Deacons’ Court is meeting this coming Tuesday to put in place ‘a safe working practice’ for our services.
Our live-stream services will continue morning and evening as usual for those who will not be attending the services in the church building.
Many thanks for your prayerful patience as we negotiate all the considerations relating to the governmental public health guidance with regards to places of worship and Covid-19