The Week Ahead Activities…
- Morning Worship Service at 11am – Kenny will be preaching. Sunday Club (P1-7) and Creche will be running as usual. The kids will be telling us a bit about Cop26 and their love for the environment at the kids talk today.
- Evening Worship Service at 6pm – Kenny will be preaching. Teen Time group for High School students will meet after the evening service
- Monday Club for 8-16 year olds meets in the church hall from 7-8.30pm. With games, activities, crafts and a time to study the Bible together.
- Top Tots – Baby & Toddler Group meets in the church hall from 10-11.30am
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
- Midweek Prayer Meeting: Meets on Zoom ID: 707 129 3433 at 7.30pm
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 2.30-4.30pm
- Glasgow International Conversations (GIC) meets in the church hall at 7.30pm as we look together at what Remembrance Day is all about
- Foodbank open in the church hall from 11am – 1pm
Sunday 14th November
- Morning Worship at 11am: Allan Thomson
- Evening Worship at 6pm: Rev. Duncan Murchison
News and Notices
- Retiring collection for the Free Church Disaster Fund on Sunday 7th November. Please place donation in an envelope marked for ‘Disaster Fund’ or bank transfer with this reference. Email treasurer@dowanvale.org for more info
- Shoebox Appeal 2021: If you are able to drop off completed boxes to the church building by WEDNESDAY 10th NOVEMBER we will take them all to the Hillington drop off depot the next day. Or if you aren’t able to drop them off at the church by then, get in touch with Carina and she will arrange getting it picked up from you! Email: carina@dowanvale.org or phone 0141 357 3236. If you need empty shoeboxes for filling we have quite a few at the church which can be picked up or delivered to you. Many thanks for your continued support of the Shoe Box Appeal. More info: click here
- If you would like to receive the Free Church’s Global Mission monthly Prayer Notes – let Carina know! carina@dowanvale.org
- Ladies Pamper Evening – Tuesday 30th November 7-9pm: Nail painting, hand/foot/head/neck/shoulder massage and foot washing all available as will as refreshments and an opportunity to chat together. All ladies are most welcome so invite your friends!

Foodbank Shopping List for this Week
- Toilet Rolls
- Pasta and Curry Sauce Jars
- Tinned Vegetables
- Tinned Meals (esp meatballs)
- Tinned Meats
- Tinned Tuna
- Chocolate Spread
- Peanut Butter
- Toothbrushes
- Razors
- Deodorant
- Shower Gel
If you would like any notices to be included in this weekly update please email it to carina@dowanvale.org