On the first Saturday of the month we host a men’s breakfast where men of all ages are invited to meet together in the morning to enjoy a time of fellowship over bacon rolls, tea/coffee and spending time together in God’s word. Don’t worry if...
On the first Saturday of the month we host a men’s breakfast where men of all ages are invited to meet together in the morning to enjoy a time of fellowship over bacon rolls, coffee and spending time in the word together. Don’t worry if you’ve never...
On the first Saturday of the month we host a men’s breakfast where men of all ages are invited to meet together in the morning to enjoy a time of fellowship over bacon rolls, coffee and spending time in the word together. Don’t worry if you’ve never...
On the first Saturday of the month we host a men’s breakfast where men of all ages are invited to meet together in the morning to enjoy a time of fellowship over bacon rolls, coffee and spending time in the word together. Don’t worry if you’ve never...
The Mission board of the Free Church – generation-mission.org – organises a monthly prayer schedule for the congregations across our denomination for each week of each month we are asked to pray for specific congregations and their various needs and...