Worksheet: God is Sovereign

Hello Sunday Club! Today we are discovering more about what it means for God to be sovereign It’s a hard word to understand but we are so thankful it is true. Sadly, this is the last worksheet of the summer and now you, and your mums and dads can sit back, relax...

Holiday Club at Home: Creation – God is In Control

Summer is a little different this year than what we are use to but we thought we’d use this time to try something a little different. Partick Youth Together are excited to invite you to join with us in our joint “Holiday Club At Home” – Creation:God Is In...

Worksheet: God is our Righteousness

Hello Sunday Club! We have been getting to know lots of different things about our wonderful God over the past few weeks. We have a 2 more worksheets before a holiday break. This week we will discover more about how God is our righteousness. There are 2 sheets for you...

Worksheet: God is Peace

Hello Sunday Club! You might have missed this news because this year hasn’t been like any other year you’ve ever experienced but did you know….. it’s the school holidays?! Normally Sunday Club, if we were meeting in the church would take a...

Worksheet: God is Love

Hello Sunday Club! I miss you all very much. I hope you are taking care of your mums and dads, and brothers and sisters if you have them. Exciting that we can now see a few more friends too. This week’s worksheet is ready for you download, print and complete....